Are you ready to give your Spanish vocabulary a major boost? You better be because today, we’ll be going through 200 of the most common Spanish verbs.
These are some very useful verbs that you’ll encounter a lot in everyday Spanish conversations. We'll start with a list of ten common Spanish verbs together with its present tense conjugation, then proceed to the list of 200 verbs. So, without much ado, let’s check them out, shall we?

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10 Common Spanish Verbs
1. Ser (to be)
One of the most useful Spanish verbs you could tackle first is “ser”. This irregular verb is almost always present in everyday conjugations, same as its twin verb estar.
Here’s the conjugation of ser in the present tense:
Yo soy
Tú eres
Él/ella es
Nosotros/as somos
Vosotros/as sois
Ellos/as son
2. Estar (to be - second form)
Estar is another highly useful Spanish verb which also means to be. The trouble starts in trying to discover the nuances between the two, “to be” verbs in Spanish. Don’t worry, we got you covered. You can check out the differences in this article: Ser vs. Estar.
Here’s estar conjugated in the present tense:
Yo estoy
Tú estás
Él/ella está
Nosotros/as estamos
Vosotros/as estáis
Ellos/as están
3. Temer (to fear)
Temer, a Spanish verb which means “to fear”, is a regular -er verb. Check out its present tense conjugation below.
Yo temo
Tú temes
Él/ella teme
Nosotros/as tememos
Vosotros/as teméis
Ellos/as temen
4. Partir (to leave)
Another common Spanish verb, partir, is a regular verb. This means when you memorize its conjugation, you can use it as a model for other Spanish verbs with -ir endings!
Here it is conjugated in the present tense.
Yo parto
Tú partes
Él/ella parte
Nosotros/as partimos
Vosotros/as partís
Ellos/as parten
5. Pedir (to ask)
Pedir in Spanish means to ask. Here is the present tense conjugation of this verb.
Yo pido
Tú pides
Él/ella pide
Nosotros/as pedimos
Vosotros/as pedís
Ellos/as piden
6. Poder (to be able to/ can)
When you want to say someone is able to or someone can, you use the verb poder. Here is the present tense conjugation of this verb.
Yo puedo
Tú puedes
Él/ella puede
Nosotros/as podemos
Vosotros/as podéis
Ellos/as pueden
7. Haber (to have)
Haber is a verb you’d be using a lot in Spanish and it means “to have” but this one is mostly used as an auxiliary verb or helping verb in compound tenses. Check out its present tense conjugation below.
Yo he
Tú has
Él/ella ha
Nosotros/as hemos
Vosotros/as habéis
Ellos/as han
8. Tener (to have - second form)
Another Spanish verb that means “to have”, tener is an irregular verb. It is used in about the same way as you would use “to have” in English.
See the present tense conjugation below.
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Él/ella tiene
Nosotros/as tenemos
Vosotros/as tenéis
Ellos/as tienen
9. Ir (to go)
Going somewhere? When you have “to go”, use the Spanish verb ir. This is frequently used in Spanish conversations, but watch out, it is highly irregular!
Here’s a sample of how it is conjugated. See the Spanish verb ir in the present tense below.
Yo voy
Tú vas
Él/ella va
Nosotros/as vamos
Vosotros/as vais
Ellos/as van
10. Jugar (to play)
Jugar is a stem-changing verb in the sense that it changes from u to ue. But there’s no change in the nosotros and vosotros forms in the present tense. See the present tense conjugation below.
Yo juego
Tú juegas
Él/ella juega
Nosotros/as jugamos
Vosotros/as jugáis
Ellos/as juegan
There you go with 10 commonly used Spanish verbs. These 10 verbs are included in the Spanish Verb Drills Mega Bundle. It's a unique and innovative learning material to help you master Spanish verbs without any memorization. Learn all about it below.
But wait--that’s not all there is to this list. We have promised 200 Spanish verbs, and that’s what you’ll get below!
200 Most Common Spanish Verbs
Abanderar/Registrar | To register |
Abrir | To open |
Aburrir | To bore |
Acabar | To finish |
Aceptar | To accept |
Acordar | To do something |
Acostar | To go to bed |
Almorzar | To have lunch |
Amar | To love |
Andar | To walk |
Apagar | Off – putout – extinguish |
Aprender | To learn |
Asistir | To assist – attend |
Ayudar | To help |
Bailar | To dance |
Bajar | To go down – get off (bus) |
Beber | To drink |
Buscar | To look for |
Caber | To fit |
Caer | To fall |
Cambiar | To change |
Cantar | To sing |
Casar | To marry / get married |
Cenar | To have dinner, To have a evening meal. |
Cerrar | To close |
Cocinar | To cook |
Coger | To pick up / take / catch |
Comenzar | To star / begin |
Comer | To eat |
Compartir | To share |
Comprar | To buy |
Comprender | To understand |
Conducir | To driver |
Conocer | To know |
Conseguir | To obtein / fin |
Construir | To build |
Contar | To count / tell |
Corregir | To correct |
Correr | To run |
Cortar | To cut |
Costar | To cost |
Crear | To create |
Crecer | To grow |
Creer | To think |
Cruzar | To cross |
Cubrir | To cover |
Dar | To give |
Deber | To must |
Decidir | To decide |
Decir | To say / tell |
Defender | To defend / stand up for |
Dejar | To leave |
Desayunar | To have breakfast |
Descubrir | To discover |
Desear | To wish |
Despedir | To say goodbye |
Despertar | To wake up |
Destruir | To destroy / wreck / demolish |
Devolver | To return |
Dirigir | To manage |
Divertir | To entertain / have fun |
Doler | to hurt |
Dormir | To sleep |
Duchar | To take a shower |
Echar | To throw |
Elegir | To choose |
Empezar | To begin |
Encantar | To love something |
Encender | To light / turn on |
Encontrar | To find |
Entender | To understand |
Entrar | To go in |
Enviar | To send |
Escoger | To choose |
Escribir | To writte |
Escuchar | To listen |
Esperar | To wait |
Estar | To be |
Estudiar | To study |
Exigir | To demand / require |
Explicar | To explain |
Ganar | To win |
Gastar | To spend |
Gustar | To like |
Haber | To have |
Habilitar | To fit out / authorise |
Habitar | To inhabit |
Habituar | To get used to |
Hablar | To speak |
Hacer | To make, to do |
Hackear | To hack |
Halagar | To flatter |
Hartar | To get bored of |
Helar | To freeze |
Henchir | To fill |
Herir | To hurt |
Hervir | To boil |
Hinchar | To swell |
Hospedar | To provide accomodation |
Hostigar | To bother, pester |
Huir | To run away, to escape |
Incluir | To include |
Ir | To go |
Jugar | To play |
Lavar | To wash |
Leer | To read |
Levantar | To raise |
Limpiar | To clean |
Llamar | To call |
Llenar | To fill |
Llegar | To arrive |
Llevar | To carry, wear |
Llorar | To cry |
Llover | To rain |
Mandar | To order |
Manejar | To handle, use, manage. |
Mantener | To maintain |
Medir | To measure |
Mentir | To lie |
Mirar | To look at, wash |
Morir | To die |
Mostrar | To show |
Mover | To move |
Nace | To beborn |
Nadar | To swim |
Necesitar | To need |
Obtener | To obtain, win, get. |
Ofrecer | To offer |
Oír | To hear |
Oler | To smell |
Olvidar | To forget |
Organizar | To organize |
Pagar | To pay |
Parar | To stop |
Parecer | To look like, seem |
Pasar | To pass |
Pedir | To ask, ask for |
Pensar | To think |
Perder | To lose |
Permitir | To allow |
Poder | Be able to |
Poner | To put |
Practicar | To practise |
Preferir | To prefer |
Preguntar | To ask |
Preparar | To prepare |
Prestar | To lend |
Probar | To taste, try, try on |
Proteger | To protect |
Quedar | To stay |
Quejar | To complain |
Querer | To want |
Quitar | To take off |
Recibir | To receive |
Recoger | To pick up |
Recomendar | To recommend |
Recordar | To remember |
Regresar | To go back, come back |
Reír | To laugh |
Repetir | To repeat |
Resolver | to resolve |
Rogar | To beg |
Romper | To break |
Rezar | To pray |
Remar | To row |
Saber | To know |
Sacar | To take out |
Salir | To go out |
Secar | To dry |
Seguir | To follow |
Sentar | To sit, seat |
Sentir | To feel |
Ser | To be |
Servir | To serve |
Sofreír | To saute, fry. |
Soler | To ussually do something |
Sonar | To sound |
Sonreír | To smile |
Subir | To go up, com up |
Sugerir | To suggest |
Sumergir | To inmerse, submerge, dip. |
Tener | To have |
Terminar | To finish |
Tocar | To touch |
Tomar | To take |
Trabajar | To work |
Traducir | To translate |
Traer | To bring |
Tratar | To treat /try |
Usar | To use |
Valer | To be worth |
Velar | To guard |
Vender | To sale |
Venir | To come |
Ver | To see |
Vestir | To wear, dress |
Viajar | To travel |
Visitar | To visit |
Vivir | To live |
Volar | To fly |
Volver | To return |
Violar | To violate |
And there you go. That's 200 of the most common Spanish verbs you'll encounter in Spanish language.
For more related articles, check out the following:
100 Most Common Spanish Adjectives
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These are great lists, (this and the adverbs and the adjectives). Thank you Ana : )