200 Most Common Spanish Verbs [free PDF and audio]


BY Ana

April 13, 2019

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Are you ready to give your Spanish vocabulary a major boost? You better be because today, we’ll be going through 200 of the most common Spanish verbs. 

These are some very useful verbs that you’ll encounter a lot in everyday Spanish conversations. We'll start with a list of ten common Spanish verbs together with its present tense conjugation, then proceed to the list of 200 verbs.  So, without much ado, let’s check them out, shall we?

Spanish verbs

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10 Common Spanish Verbs

1. Ser (to be)

One of the most useful Spanish verbs you could tackle first is “ser”. This irregular verb is almost always present in everyday conjugations, same as its twin verb estar. 

Here’s the conjugation of ser in the present tense:

Yo soy

Tú eres

Él/ella es

Nosotros/as somos

Vosotros/as sois

Ellos/as son 

2. Estar (to be - second form)

Estar is another highly useful Spanish verb which also means to be. The trouble starts in trying to discover the nuances between the two, “to be” verbs in Spanish. Don’t worry, we got you covered. You can check out the differences in this article: Ser vs. Estar. 

Here’s estar conjugated in the present tense:

Yo estoy

Tú estás

Él/ella está

Nosotros/as estamos

Vosotros/as estáis

Ellos/as están 

3. Temer (to fear)

Temer, a Spanish verb which means “to fear”, is a regular -er verb. Check out its present tense conjugation below. 

Yo temo

Tú temes

Él/ella teme

Nosotros/as tememos

Vosotros/as teméis

Ellos/as temen    

4. Partir  (to leave)

 Another common Spanish verb, partir, is a regular verb. This means when you memorize its conjugation, you can use it as a model for other Spanish verbs with -ir endings!

Here it is conjugated in the present tense. 

Yo parto

Tú partes

Él/ella parte

Nosotros/as partimos

Vosotros/as partís

Ellos/as parten

5. Pedir (to ask)

Pedir in Spanish means to ask. Here is the present tense conjugation of this verb. 

Yo pido

Tú pides

Él/ella pide

Nosotros/as pedimos

Vosotros/as pedís

Ellos/as piden

6. Poder (to be able to/ can)

When you want to say someone is able to or someone can, you use the verb poder. Here is the present tense conjugation of this verb.

Yo puedo 

Tú puedes

Él/ella puede

Nosotros/as podemos

Vosotros/as podéis

Ellos/as pueden

7. Haber (to have)

Haber is a verb you’d be using a lot in Spanish and it means “to have” but this one is mostly used as an auxiliary verb or helping verb in compound tenses. Check out its present tense conjugation below.     

Yo he

Tú has

Él/ella ha

Nosotros/as hemos

Vosotros/as habéis

Ellos/as han

8. Tener (to have - second form)

Another Spanish verb that means “to have”, tener is an irregular verb. It is used in about the same way as you would use “to have” in English. 

See the present tense conjugation below.

Yo tengo

Tú tienes

Él/ella tiene

Nosotros/as tenemos

Vosotros/as tenéis

Ellos/as tienen    

9. Ir (to go)      

Going somewhere? When you have “to go”, use the Spanish verb ir. This is frequently used in Spanish conversations, but watch out, it is highly irregular!

Here’s a sample of how it is conjugated. See the Spanish verb ir in the present tense below.

Yo voy

Tú vas

Él/ella va

Nosotros/as vamos

Vosotros/as vais

Ellos/as van

10. Jugar (to play)           

Jugar is a stem-changing verb in the sense that it changes from u to ue. But there’s no change in the nosotros and vosotros forms in the present tense. See the present tense conjugation below. 

Yo juego

Tú juegas

Él/ella juega

Nosotros/as jugamos

Vosotros/as jugáis

Ellos/as juegan

There you go with 10 commonly used Spanish verbs. These 10 verbs are included in the Spanish Verb Drills Mega Bundle. It's a unique and innovative learning material to help you master Spanish verbs without any memorization. Learn all about it below. 

But wait--that’s not all there is to this list. We have promised 200 Spanish verbs, and that’s what you’ll get below! 

200 Most Common Spanish Verbs

Abanderar/RegistrarTo register
AbrirTo open
AburrirTo bore
AcabarTo finish
AceptarTo accept
AcordarTo do something
AcostarTo go to bed
AlmorzarTo have lunch
AmarTo love
AndarTo walk
ApagarOff – putout – extinguish
AprenderTo learn
AsistirTo assist – attend
AyudarTo help
BailarTo dance
BajarTo go down – get off (bus)
BeberTo drink
BuscarTo look for
CaberTo fit
CaerTo fall
CambiarTo change
CantarTo sing
CasarTo marry / get married
CenarTo have dinner, To have a evening meal.
CerrarTo close
CocinarTo cook
CogerTo pick up / take / catch
ComenzarTo star / begin
ComerTo eat
CompartirTo share
ComprarTo buy
ComprenderTo understand
ConducirTo driver
ConocerTo know
ConseguirTo obtein / fin
ConstruirTo build
To count / tell
CorregirTo correct
CorrerTo run
CortarTo cut
CostarTo cost
CrearTo create
CrecerTo grow
CreerTo think
CruzarTo cross
CubrirTo cover
DarTo give
DeberTo must
DecidirTo decide
DecirTo say / tell
DefenderTo defend / stand up for
DejarTo leave
DesayunarTo have breakfast
DescubrirTo discover
DesearTo wish
DespedirTo say goodbye
DespertarTo wake up
DestruirTo destroy / wreck / demolish
DevolverTo return
DirigirTo manage
DivertirTo entertain / have fun
Dolerto hurt
DormirTo sleep
DucharTo take a shower
EcharTo throw
ElegirTo choose
EmpezarTo begin
EncantarTo love something
EncenderTo light / turn on
EncontrarTo find
EntenderTo understand
EntrarTo go in
EnviarTo send
EscogerTo choose
EscribirTo writte
EscucharTo listen
EsperarTo wait
EstarTo be
EstudiarTo study
ExigirTo demand / require
ExplicarTo explain
GanarTo win
GastarTo spend
GustarTo like
HaberTo have
HabilitarTo fit out / authorise
HabitarTo inhabit
HabituarTo get used to
HablarTo speak
HacerTo make, to do
HackearTo hack
HalagarTo flatter
HartarTo get bored of
HelarTo freeze
HenchirTo fill
HerirTo hurt
HervirTo boil
HincharTo swell
HospedarTo provide accomodation
HostigarTo bother, pester
HuirTo run away, to escape
IncluirTo include
IrTo go
JugarTo play
LavarTo wash
LeerTo read
LevantarTo raise
LimpiarTo clean
LlamarTo call
LlenarTo fill
LlegarTo arrive
LlevarTo carry, wear
LlorarTo cry
LloverTo rain
MandarTo order
ManejarTo handle, use, manage.
MantenerTo maintain
MedirTo measure
MentirTo lie
MirarTo look at, wash
MorirTo die
MostrarTo show
MoverTo move
NaceTo beborn
NadarTo swim
NecesitarTo need
ObtenerTo obtain, win, get.
OfrecerTo offer
OírTo hear
OlerTo smell
OlvidarTo forget
OrganizarTo organize
PagarTo pay
PararTo stop
ParecerTo look like, seem
PasarTo pass
PedirTo ask, ask for
PensarTo think
PerderTo lose
PermitirTo allow
PoderBe able to
PonerTo put
PracticarTo practise
PreferirTo prefer
PreguntarTo ask
PrepararTo prepare
PrestarTo lend
ProbarTo taste, try, try on
ProtegerTo protect
QuedarTo stay
QuejarTo complain
QuererTo want
QuitarTo take off
RecibirTo receive
RecogerTo pick up
RecomendarTo recommend
RecordarTo remember
RegresarTo go back, come back
ReírTo laugh
RepetirTo repeat
Resolverto resolve
RogarTo beg
RomperTo break
RezarTo pray
RemarTo row
SaberTo know
SacarTo take out
SalirTo go out
SecarTo dry
SeguirTo follow
SentarTo sit, seat
SentirTo feel
SerTo be
ServirTo serve
SofreírTo saute, fry.
SolerTo ussually do something
SonarTo sound
SonreírTo smile
SubirTo go up, com up
SugerirTo suggest
SumergirTo inmerse, submerge, dip.
TenerTo have
TerminarTo finish
TocarTo touch
TomarTo take
TrabajarTo work
TraducirTo translate
TraerTo bring
TratarTo treat /try
UsarTo use
ValerTo be worth
VelarTo guard
VenderTo sale
VenirTo come
VerTo see
VestirTo wear, dress
ViajarTo travel
VisitarTo visit
VivirTo live
VolarTo fly
VolverTo return
ViolarTo violate


And there you go. That's 200 of the most common Spanish verbs you'll encounter in Spanish language. 

For more related articles, check out the following:

105 Common Spanish Adverbs

100 Most Common Spanish Adjectives

Spanish Verbs Conjugation

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About the author 

Anastasia is a Chicago, Illinois native. She began studying Spanish over 10 years ago, and hasn’t stopped since. Living in Spain since 2012, she loves Spanish tortilla, vino tinto, and anything that contains jamón ibérico.

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