Wondering how to describe physical appearance in Spanish? Whether someone is good-looking or plain, muscular or slender, young or old, here is a list of Spanish adjectives that will help you describe how somebody looks.
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How to Describe Physical Appearance in Spanish
attractive | atractivo |
average | promedio |
beautiful | guapa |
blond | rubio |
fat | gordo |
lovely | lindo |
plump | rechoncho |
pretty | bonita |
short | bajo |
slim | delgado |
small | pequeño |
strong | fuerte |
tall | alto |
thin | flaco |
ugly | feo |
weak | débil |
bald | calvo |
black hair | cabello negro |
fair | rubio |
brown hair | cabello castaño |
curly hair | cabello rizado |
dark | moreno |
dark hair | cabello oscuro |
grey hair | cabello canoso |
handsome | guapo |
lame | cojo |
light hair | cabello claro |
long hair | cabello largo |
maimed | mutilado |
medium height | de estatura media |
muscular | musculoso |
one-eyed | tuerto |
overweight | con sobrepeso |
pale | pálido |
plain | poco atractivo |
redhead | pelirrojo |
scruffy | desaliñado |
short hair | cabello corto |
slender | esbelto |
squint | bizco |
stout | corpulento |
straight hair | cabello lacio |
tanned | bronceado |
tiny | pequeño |
well-built | fornido |
old | viejo |
young | joven |
obese | obeso |
braid | trenza |
ponytail | cola |
beard | barba |
birthmark | marca de nacimiento |
freckle | peca |
mole | lunar |
moustache | bigote |
scar | cicatriz |
sideburns | patillas |
tattoo | tatuaje |
wart | verruga |
wrinkle | arruga |
elegant | elegante |
Let's take a look at some examples
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A Quick and Simple Guide to Spanish Adjectives
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Your turn!
You have just learned how to describe physical appearance in Spanish. How about you? How would you describe yourself in Spanish using the listed vocabulary? Do share in the comments section!