After you’ve mastered the basics of Spanish, it’s a natural next step to learn how to express opinions, as it can make your conversations so much more interesting. Imagine a day where you couldn’t say how you felt about anything!
Asking for someone’s opinion
The first thing we’ll look at is how to ask for somebody else’s opinion. Here are some opinion-related verbs, and phrases you can use.
Creer | To believe |
¿Qué crees de …? | What do you think about/of …? |
Opinar | To have the opinion |
¿Qué opinas de …? | What do you think about/of …? |
Pensar | To think |
¿Qué piensas de …? | What do you think about/of …? |
¿Cuál es tu opinión de …? | What is your opinion of …? |
Saying what you like and dislike
One way to express your opinion on something is to say that you like or dislike it. This section shows you some set phrases for doing just that.
Me gusta … | I like … |
Me encanta … | I love … |
Mi … favorito/a es … | My favorite … is … |
Mi … preferido/a es … | My favorite … is … |
| |
No me gusta … | I don’t like … |
Detesto … | I hate … |
Odio … | I hate … |
No aguanto … | I can’t stand … |
Important verbs
Some of the most important Spanish verbs are the ones that help us to express our opinion of something: how we feel and what we think about it. We’ve given you the present tense conjugations for some of the major ones.
Creer (to believe)
creo | creemos |
crees | creéis |
cree | creen |
Pensar (to think)
pienso | pensamos |
piensas | pensáis |
piensa | piensan |
Opinar (to be of the opinion)
opino | opinamos |
opinas | opináis |
opina | opinan |
Opinion phrases in Spanish
There are heaps of ways of talking about your opinions of things. We’ve decided to give you a list of set phrases, and an example for each one, so you can pick and choose the ones that are right for you!
A mi juicio | In my judgement |
A mi juicio, fumar es malo. | In my judgement, smoking is bad. |
A mi parecer | In my opinion |
A mi parecer, Gary tiene pinta de español. | In my opinion, Gary seems Spanish. |
A mi modo de ver | In my opinion |
A mi modo de ver, has hecho algo malo. | In my opinion, you have done something bad. |
Así lo veo yo | That’s how I see it |
Es un tramposo, y recibirá su merecido. Así lo veo yo. | He’s a cheat, and he’ll get what he deserves. That’s just how I see it. |
Como yo lo veo | The way I see it |
Como yo lo veo, no vas a adelantar en tu trabajo si sigues con esa actitud de pereza. | The way I see it, you’re not going to progress in your job if you continue with that attitude of laziness. |
Con respecto a | With respect to |
Con respecto al coche, opino que es peligroso. | With respect to the car, I’m of the opinion that it’s dangerous. |
Considero que | I consider that |
Considero que la educación es de suma importancia. | I consider that education is of utmost importance. |
Creo que | I believe that |
Personalmente, creo que la tauromaquia es cruel. | Personally, I believe that bullfighting is cruel. |
Desde mi punto de vista | From my point of view |
Lidia y Juan no quieren separarse, pero, desde mi punto de vista, su relación es tóxica. | Lidia and Juan didn't want to break up, but, from my point of view, their relationship is toxic. |
En cuanto a | With regard to |
En cuanto a Brett, tiene que quererse a sí mismo antes de meterse en una relación. | With regard to Brett, he has to love himself before getting into a relationship. |
En mi opinión | In my opinion |
En mi opinión, eres una persona increíble. | In my opinion, you’re an incredible person. |
Estoy a favor de | I’m in favor of |
Estoy a favor de la igualdad. | I’m in favor of equality. |
Estoy en contra de | I’m against |
Estoy en contra del sexismo. | I’m against sexism. |
Estoy convencido/a | I’m convinced |
Estoy convencido de que Elías me está esquivando. | I’m convinced that Elías is avoiding me. |
Estoy de acuerdo | I agree |
No estoy de acuerdo | I disagree |
Estoy de acuerdo contigo. | I agree with you. |
No estoy de acuerdo con que los niños tengan muchos deberes. | I don’t agree that children should have lots of homework. |
Estoy seguro/a | I’m certain |
Estoy seguro de que aprobarás tus exámenes si empiezas a estudiar ahora. | I’m certain that you’ll pass your exams if you start to study now. |
Me parece que | It seems to me |
Me parece que tienes que pensar bien en lo que quieres. | It seems to me that you have to think properly about what you want. |
Me pone | (It) makes me |
Tus avances me ponen incómodo. Para, por favor. | Your advances make me uncomfortable. Stop, please. |
Mi opinión personal | My personal opinion |
Mi opinión personal es que los perros son mejores que los gatos. | My personal opinion is that dogs are better than cats. |
Mi punto de vista | My point of view |
Mi punto de vista es que has causado mucho daño. | My point of view is that you have caused a lot of damage. |
No creo que + subjunctive | I don’t think that |
No creo que valga la pena. | I don’t think that it’s worth it. |
Opino que | I’m of the opinion that |
Yo opino que mi familia es rara. | I am of the opinion that my family is strange. |
Para mí | For me |
Para mí, la mejor solución es ahorrar dinero hasta que pueda emanciparme. | For me, the best solution is to save money until I can move out. |
Personalmente, yo | Personally, I |
Personalmente, yo no lo veo normal. | Personally, I don’t see it as normal. |
Pienso que | I think that |
Pienso que la enfermedad ya tiene cura. | I think that the illness now has a cure. |
Por mi parte | For my part |
Por mi parte, odio las arañas. | For my part, I hate spiders. |
Soy de la opinión de que | I am of the opinion that |
Soy de la opinión de que viajar es una de las cosas más enriquecedoras que se puede hacer. | I am of the opinion that traveling is one of the most enriching things that you can do. |
Tengo la opinión de que | I have the opinion that |
Tengo la opinión de que deberías pedirle disculpas. | I have the opinion that you should apologize to her. |
Yo digo | I say |
Yo digo que todos los políticos son mentirosos. ¿Cómo vamos a creer lo que dicen? | I say that all politicians are liars. How are we supposed to believe what they say? |
Using adjectives!
Another way to express your opinion on something is to describe it. If you describe something with a positive adjective, that implies your opinion of it is positive. Likewise with negativity!
There are a few ways to lead in.
Es … | It is … |
Lo encuentro … | I find it … |
Me parece … | It seems … |
Bueno/a | Good |
Emocionante | Exciting |
Bonito/a | Pretty |
Simpático/a | Nice |
Fácil | Easy |
Feliz | Happy |
Delicioso/a | Delicious |
Inteligente | Intelligent |
Fuerte | Strong |
Limpio/a | Clean |
Justo/a | Fair |
Malo/a | Bad |
Aburrido/a | Boring |
Feo/a | Ugly |
Antipático/a | Unpleasant |
Difícil | Difficult |
Triste | Sad |
Asqueroso/a | Disgusting |
Tonto/a | Stupid |
Débil | Weak |
Sucio/a | Dirty |
Injusto/a | Unfair |
You have the right to remain silent …
If you don’t have an opinion on a matter, or don’t wish to express it, then here are some options for you!
Tengo una opinión mixta. | I have a mixed opinion. |
No tengo ninguna opinión al respecto. | I don’t have an opinion on the matter. |
No estoy ni a favor ni en contra de … | I am neither in favor of nor against … |
No voy a comentar. | I’m not going to comment. |
Me da igual. | I don’t care. |
No sé. | I don’t know. |
Top tip!
For the next couple of days, try to pinpoint your opinion on certain things that you come across, and see if you can figure out how to express it in Spanish!
Very informative I enjoyed it