¡Hola! In this article, we’re going to see how to compare things—specifically, how to say that things are similar. Describing similarities in Spanish is a great skill to have, and it can be done using a selection of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. We’ll also teach you some idiomatic phrases!
Spanish Verbs of Similarity
One way to show similarity is with a specific verb:
- Parecerse = to look like, to seem similar to (reflexive ‘se’)
Yo me parezco a mi padre. | I look like/am like my father. |
Nick no se parece a su hermano. | Nick doesn’t look like his brother. |
- Parecerse = to look alike, to seem similar to each other (reciprocal ‘se’)
Rick y Nick son gemelos pero no se parecen. | Rick and Nick are twins but they’re not alike. |
Spanish Nouns of Similarity
These nouns are best used with the verb ‘ser.’ When used like that, they’re all pretty similar ways of saying the same thing: that someone is someone else’s doppelganger/spitting image. In other words, they are very alike (often this likeness is physical).
- El doble = spitting image/doppelganger (literal meaning: ‘double’)
¡Mira, aquel hombre es tu doble! | Look, that man over there is your doppelganger/twin! |
- Mi otro/a yo = my alter ego/my other self (literal meaning: ‘my other I/me’)
Eres mi otro yo. | You’re my alter ego. |
- El vivo retrato = spitting image (literal meaning: ‘living portrait’)
Mi amigo Marcus es el vivo retrato de Johnny Depp. | My friend Marcus is the spitting image of Johnny Depp. |
- La viva imagen = spitting image (literal meaning: ‘living image’)
No puedo salir contigo, porque eres la viva imagen de mi ex. | I can’t go out with you, because you’re the spitting image of my ex. |
Fred Junior es la viva imagen de su padre. | Fred Junior really takes after his father/is a chip off the old block. |
- La fiel imagen = spitting image (literal meaning: ‘faithful image’)
Claro que no soy la fiel imagen de Marilyn Monroe, pero tengo la misma figura, ¿no? | Obviously I’m not the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe, but I have the same figure, don’t I? |
—Vi a Marta esta mañana pero me ignoró.
—Marta está de vacaciones. Debe de haber sido su clon, jajaja*. | “I saw Marta this morning but she ignored me.”
“Marta’s on holiday. It must have been her clone, hahaha.” |
*Top tip: when messaging Friends in Spanish, use ‘jajaja.’ Because the Spanish ‘j’ is pronounced kind of like an English ‘h,’ it’s the equivalent of our ‘hahaha.’

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Spanish Adjectives of Similarity
Like the nouns, these adjectives are best used with ‘ser.’ Remember, those ending in ‘-o’ will change according to the noun being modified:
Masculine singular | -o |
Feminine singular | -a |
Masculine plural | -os |
Feminine plural | -as |
Yo creo que Katy Perry es parecida a Zooey Deschanel. | I think that Katy Perry looks like Zooey Deschanel. |
Yo soy muy similar a mi madre. | I’m very similar to my mother. |
La naranja clementina es similar a la tangerina. | The clementine is similar to the tangerine. |
Dices que escribiste esta canción, pero la verdad es que es semejante a una canción de S Club 7. | You say you wrote this song, but the truth is that it’s very similar to one of S Club 7’s songs. |
2+2 es equivalente a 3+1. | 2+2 is equivalent to 3+1. |
Mis dos nietas son igualitas. | My two granddaughters are just the same as each other. |
¿Cuál mitad de la pizza quieres? Son iguales. | Which half of the pizza do you want? They’re the same. |
Tienes que mantenerte consciente de tu salud física, pero no te olvides de que la salud mental es igual de importante, si no más. | You have to be conscious of your physical health, but don’t forget that mental health is just as important, if not more so. |
¡Cuidado cuando cobras a los clientes! Un billete falso es casi idéntico a un billete auténtico. | Be careful when you charge the customers! A fake bill/bank note is almost identical to a genuine bill/bank note. |
—¿Qué tal con tu nueva novia?
—Bien, pero es clavada a su madre, y creo que me está empezando a atraer ésta.
—Tío, ¡esta situación se va de las manos! | “How’s it going with your new girlfriend?”
“Good, but she’s the spitting image of her mother, and I think I’m starting to be attracted to the mom.”
“Dude, this situation is getting out of hand!” |
Los dos coches son diferentes pero son del mismo color/tienen el mismo color. | The two cars are different but they’re the same color/they have the same color. |
—Echo de menos a Ricardo. Quiero ir a verlo.
—No puedes ir hoy. Llámale por teléfono.
—No es lo mismo. | “I miss Ricardo. I want to go see him.”
“You can’t go today. Call him by phone.”
“It’s not the same.” |
Spanish Adverbs of Similarity
Mi mejor amiga es como una madre para mí. | My best friend is like a mother to me. |
Este plato es como una paella, sino con más ingredientes. | This dish is like a paella, but with more ingredients. |
Teddy reaccionó tal como me lo esperaba. | Teddy reacted exactly as I expected. |
- Tan … como … = as … as …/just as … as …
This is a cool comparison of equality. You can use it with an adjective or an adverb.
¿Por qué ella aprobó el examen y yo no? Yo soy tan inteligente como ella. | Why did she pass the exam/test but not me? I’m as intelligent as her. |
Mi moto va tan suavemente como la tuya. | My motorbike goes just as smoothly as yours. |
Here are some set phrases that you can use in your writing or speaking.
- Ser como dos gotas de agua = to be like two peas in a pod (literal meaning: ‘to be like two drops of water’)
Roberta y su hermana son como dos gotas de agua. | Roberta and her sister are like two peas in a pod. |

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- Cortado del mismo patrón = cut from the same cloth (literal meaning: cut from the same pattern)
—Yo creo que todos dueños han sido cortados del mismo patrón.
—No digas eso. Algunos somos competentes, te lo juro. | “I think all landlords are cut from the same cloth/are all the same.”
“Don’t say that. Some of us are competent, I swear.” |
- Cortado con la misma tijera = cut from the same cloth (literal meaning: cut with the same scissors)
No creas que todos los hombres estén cortados de la misma tijera. | Don’t believe that all men are cut from the same cloth/are all the same. |
Well done!
Whether or not you’ve previously read articles
semejantes to this one, hopefully we’ve taught you something new today. Try to keep up a daily learning habit, and incorporate some of these words and phrases next time you want to describe similarity.