Food is always an awesome topic regardless of which language you speak. To help you discuss Spanish food and drinks using the Spanish language, check out this list of Spanish food and drinks vocabulary.
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I’m pretty sure that by now, you would already have an idea about Spanish food. If not, you can check out our articles about Spanish cuisine:
20 Spanish Dishes for All Seasons
Let's check out the list of Spanish food and drinks vocabulary!
Comfort Food
Baked potatoes | Papas al horno |
Cheese | Queso |
Cheeseburger | Hamburguesa de queso |
Dessert | Postre |
French fries | Papas fritas |
Hamburger | Hamburguesa |
Lasagna | Lasaña |
Macaroni | Macarrones |
Mashed potatoes | Puré de papas |
Mayonnaise | Mayonesa |
Noodles | Tallarines / Fideos |
Pizza | Pizza |
Ravioli | Ravioles |
Salad | Ensalada |
Sauce | Salsa |
Scrambled eggs | Huevos revueltos |
Soup | Sopa |
Spaghetti | Espagueti |
Tomato sauce | Salsa de tomate |
Meats and Poultry
Beef | Carne de res |
Beef steak | Filete de ternera |
Brains | Sesos |
Chicken | Pollo |
Fried chicken | Pollo frito |
Ground meat | Carne molida |
Ham | Jamón |
Kidneys | Riñones |
Lamb | Cordero |
Liver | HÃgado |
Meatballs | Albóndigas |
Pork | Carne de cerdo |
Pork chops | Chuletas de cerdo |
Ribs | Costillas |
Roastbeef | Carne asada |
Steak | Filete |
Stew | Estofado |
Turkey | Pavo |
Veal | Ternera |
Breast | Pechuga |
Chop | Chuleta |
Cutlet | Chuleta |
Poultry | Carne de ave |
Fish and Seafood
Clam | Almeja |
Cod | Bacalao |
Eel | Anguila |
Halibut | Mero |
Herring | Arenque |
King prawn | Langostino |
Lobster | Langosta |
Mussel | Mejillón |
Octopus | Pulpo |
Oyster | Ostra |
Salmon | Salmón |
Sardines | Sardinas |
Shark | Tiburón |
Shrimp | Camarón |
Snail | Caracol |
Squid | Calamar |
Swordfish | Pez espada |
Trout | Trucha |
Apple juice | Jugo de manzana |
Can of Coke | Lata de Coca-Cola |
Champagne | Champán |
Cider | Sidra |
Coffee | Café |
Hot chocolate | Chocolate caliente |
Juice | Jugo |
Lemonade | Limonada |
Orange juice | Jugo de naranja |
Pineapple juice | Jugo de Piña |
Red wine | Vino tinto |
Tea | Té |
Tomato juice | Jugo de tomate |
Water | Agua |
White wine | Vino blanco |
Wine | Vino |
Spices and Seasonings
Basil | Albahaca |
Brine | Salmuera |
Capers | Alcaparras |
Cinnamon | Canela |
Clove | Clavo de olor |
Cumin | Comino |
Curry | Curry |
Dill | Eneldo |
Fennel | Hinojo |
Garlic | Ajo |
Ginger | Jengibre |
Herbs | Hierbas aromáticas |
Ketchup | Salsa de tomate |
Mayonnaise | Mayonesa |
Mint | Menta |
Mustard | Mostaza |
Nutmeg | Nuez moscada |
Oregano | Orégano |
Parsley | Perejil |
Pepper | Pimienta |
Pepper corn | Grano de pimienta |
Rhubarb | Ruibarbo |
Rosemary | Romero |
Saffron | Azafrán |
Sage | Salvia |
Salad dressing | Aderezo |
Salt | Sal |
Sauce | Salsa |
Sesame | Ajonjolà |
Sugar | Azúcar |
Tarragon | Estragón |
Thyme | Tomillo |
Vanilla | Vainilla |
Vinegar | Vinagre |
Apple | Manzana |
Banana | Plátano |
Blackberry | Mora |
Cherry | Cereza |
Coconuts | Cocos |
Fig | Higo |
Grapes | Uvas |
Lemon | Limón |
Lime | Lima |
Mango | Mango |
Orange | Naranja |
Peach | Durazno |
Pear | Pera |
Pineapple | Piña |
Plum | Ciruela |
Pomegranate | Granada |
Raspberry | Frambuesa |
Strawberry | Fresa |
Tangerine | Mandarina |
Watermelon | SandÃa |
Artichoke | Alcachofa |
Asparagus | Espárrago |
Beans | Frijoles |
Beet | Remolacha |
Bell pepper | Pimiento morrón |
Broad beans | Habas |
Brussels sprouts | Coles de Bruselas |
Cabbage | Col |
Carrot | Zanahoria |
Cauliflower | Coliflor |
Celery | Apio |
Chard | Acelgas |
Chick peas | Garbanzos |
Cucumber | Pepino |
Eggplant | Berenjena |
Fennel | Hinojo |
Lentils | Lentejas |
Lettuce | Lechuga |
Mushrooms | Hongos |
Onion | Cebolla |
Potato | Papa |
Pumpkin | Calabaza |
Spinach | Espinaca |
Turnip | Nabo |
There you have it, Spanish food and drinks vocabulary. If you wish to grab a copy of this list in PDF format, scroll back up to the yellow download button.
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