Spanish Calendar Vocabulary: Days and Months in Spanish


January 9, 2019

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Another year is here! A whole new set of twelve months to look forward to. You know what’s a good way to mark this occasion? Learn Spanish words about the calendar!

Here in this article, we’ll talk about Spanish words for the different days of the week, the Spanish names of the months, as well as how to talk about dates in Spanish.

Spanish Calendar

Let’s begin!

The Basics

Before we proceed to the different names of days and months, let us tackle the basic words first.

el calendariocalendar
el díaday
la semanaweek
el mesmonth
la fechadate

The Days of the Week

Now let’s move on to the days of the week (días de la semana).


Take note that unlike in English, the names of the days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish.

Let’s see some examples below.

Necesito ir al médico el jueves. I need to go to the doctor on Thursday.

Mi cumpleaños es el martes. My birthday is on Tuesday.

El nuevo capítulo sale cada miércoles. The new chapter comes out every Wednesday.

Voy a la iglesia el domingo. I go to church on Sunday.

Months in Spanish

Now let’s move on to the different months of the year.


Just like the days of the week, the names of the months are also not capitalized in Spanish!

Let’s take a look at some example sentences below.

El cumpleaños de Luis es en febrero. Luis's birthday is in February.

Las vacaciones terminan en septiembre. Vacation ends in September.

Mi boda será en enero. My wedding will be in January.

Talking about Dates in Spanish

Dates will always come up during conversations, so make sure you know how to say the date in Spanish!

Here are a few reminders:

  • When talking about dates in Spanish, the month is said after the day. For example: Hoy es el nueve de enero. Today is January 9.
  • The format for saying dates in Spanish is: el + day + de + month (+ de + year). For example: el dos de septiembre de 2015. September 2, 2015
  • Cardinal numbers (uno, dos, tres) are used when talking about dates in Spanish.  

    Example: Hoy es uno de enero. Today is January 1st.
  • In Latin American Spanish, however, ordinal numbers are used on the first day of the month. Example: Hoy es el primero de enero. Today is January first. But for all other dates, cardinal numbers are still used.

Here are some more examples:

Hoy es 5 de Diciembre de 2018. Today is December 5, 2018.

Ella nació el 12 de febrero de 1990. She was born on February 12, 1990.

Nuestra primera cita fue el 10 de julio de 2018. Our first date was July 10, 2018.


You can also learn Spanish words in context with your copy of Spanish Stories for Beginners. It comes with free audio, too! Check it out below!

About the author 

Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. She loves reading anything (including product labels).

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