What’s your daily routine like? Do you wake up at 7, go for a jog, take a shower, get dressed, and then go to work? Regardless of what your routine is, here is a useful list of Spanish vocabulary to help you express your daily activities.

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Spanish | English |
despertarse | to wake up |
levantarse | to get up |
ir al baño | to go to the bathroom |
tender la cama | to make the bed |
desayunar | to have breakfast |
desvestirse | to get undressed |
bañarse | to shower |
vestirse | to get dressed |
peinarse | to brush your hair |
cepillarse los dientes | to brush your teeth |
maquillarse | to put on make-up |
afeitarse | to shave |
prepararse | to get ready |
ir a trabajar | to go to work |
ir a la escuela | to go to school |
manejar | to drive |
tomar el autobús | to catch the bus |
trabajar | to work |
estudiar | to study |
ir a casa | to go home |
llegar a casa | to get home |
cocinar | to cook |
comer | to eat |
comer | to have lunch |
hacer deporte | to play sports |
hacer ejercicio | to do some exercise |
pasear | to go for a ride |
andar en bicicleta | to ride a bicycle |
patinar | to skate |
ir a caminar | to go for a walk |
ir de compras | to go shopping |
pasear al perro | to take the dog for a walk |
irse de fiesta | to go to a party |
cenar | to have dinner |
recoger la mesa | to clear the table |
descansar | to rest |
ver la televisión | to watch TV |
escuchar música | to listen to music |
jugar | to play |
tocar un instrumento | to play an instrument |
reunirse con los amigos | to meet up with friends |
hacer la tarea | to do the homework |
lavar los platos | to do the dishes |
lavar la ropa | to do the laundry |
leer un libro | to read a book |
usar la computadora | to use the computer |
charlar | to chat |
enviar un email | to send an email |
llamar por teléfono | to call |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
limpiar la casa | to clean the house |
barrer | to sweep |
aspirar | to vacuum |
sacudir el polvo | to dust |
planchar | to iron |
trapear | to mop |
darle de comer al perro | to feed the dog |
regar las plantas | to water the plants |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
poner el despertador | to set the alarm clock |
acostarse | to go to bed |
dormirse | to sleep |
soñar | to dream |
quedarse dormido | to oversleep |
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You can also check out the following vocabulary articles:
102 Spanish Classroom Vocabulary
A Quick Guide to Making Small Talk in Spanish
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Great website. It’s a nice to see all these everyday phrases in one place, so practical.
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