My Daily Spanish learning materials are also available in paperback and audiobook format.

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The My Daily Spanish books are packaged and shipped by Amazon for a secure, prompt delivery to your location. All books come with downloadable audio, but an audiobook version is also available via Audible for a hands-free, convenient learning. 

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Books to Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish


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Paperback(2nd edition):

Audio book (1st edition):

*Get it for FREE when you sign up to Audible's first month trial period.

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Audio book:

*Get it for FREE when you sign up to Audible's first month trial period.

Spanish-English Bedtime Stories For Kids and Kids at Heart

Paperback(2nd edition):

Audio book (1st edition):

Paperback(2nd edition):

Audio book (1st edition):

Paperback(2nd edition):

Audio book (1st edition):

*Get it for FREE when you sign up to Audible's first month trial period.
